How To Affordably Frame Prints and Artwork Yourself

How To Affordably Frame Prints and Artwork Yourself

A Bravespears Gallery & Printmakers Guide to Home Framing

Framed vintage collage art with plant in a modern home. Bravespears Gallery

We all know that when we’ve invested our hard earned money in prints and artwork that they always look better when they’ve been framed and are up on our walls. After all these aren’t posters to hang up in a teenage bedroom, our new art purchases clearly deserve a lot better than a bit of blu tack and some wonky hanging. 

So wouldn’t it  be amazing if after buying our beautiful new wall art we could simply pop along to our local artisan framer and choose from hundreds of different frames, mounts and hanging options and so find the perfect solution for our home? Yes it would we all shout! Unfortunately the actual cost realities of framing and mounting  can sometimes take your breath away as it can be very expensive. Too often our wonderful new art purchases just wait forlornly hoping to get framed. Instead of giving us joy, unframed art sits there, gathering dust and making us feel bad at our inaction. Even worse shock, horror sometimes they even get forgotten and never ever properly displayed. We’ve all been there. Sighs. 

But there are options. 

For pieces of art which are in a limited edition or are especially valuable then professional bespoke framing is definitely the right thing to do and here at Bravespears Gallery we would always recommend it. When you are already investing in a limited edition or more prized piece of art you should always seek to get it professionally framed and mounted in a way that makes the work shine, while also preserving and protecting your new investment from environmental damage for generations to come.  

Young woman drinking coffee in front of framed photography. Bravespears Gallery

Clearly though the skilled work of a professional framer reflects in the price and sometimes relative to the cost of the original piece it can just be too expensive to justify.  So at Bravespears Gallery we always ensure that all our affordable open editions are carefully printed in sizes that are ready to frame yourself at home. It’s crucial that you get your beautiful new pieces of art framed and onto your home’s gallery wall as quickly as possible and importantly at a price that is right for you.

Consequently here at Bravespears Gallery & Printmakers we want to help you with that. Over the next few weeks we are going to  publish some online and video guides on how to beautifully frame Bravespears’ open edition prints and pictures in an affordable way. 

To frame our open editions at home you’ll need minimal tools (it’s likely you’ve already got them) and the actual framing items won’t be too many and will be easy and affordable to buy from Amazon or other similar retailers.  Everything that we recommend you’ll be able to see us using so you can be assured that we’ve tested it and that it’s good quality and perfect for the job in hand. 

This series will be fun, accessible and you’ll end up with a beautifully framed piece of Bravespears art and some awesome new skills which you can translate across into any other pieces of art you own.  

It’s going to be fun

Bravespears Gallery & Printmakers

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